Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mission1:Case of the Missing Puffles

In Mission1, You are trying to find Aunt Arctic’s two lost puffles. Here is a guide to help you.
When you arrive at Aunt Arctic’s igloo, she will ask you some questions. Answer them and she will send you to search for clues. Go to your map and go to the Ice Rink. Move to the right and put the photos in your inventory. Go back to Aunt Arctics igloo and give her the pictures. Now go to the sports shop and talk to G. He will ask how many pairs of socks he has. Go to the pet shop and on one of the pet houses there is a note, it says G has _____ _____ pairs of socks(Its not always the same). Go back to the Sports shop and tell G how many pairs of socks he has. Then he will open up a cabinet. Grab the Life preserver gun and put it in your inventory. From here, go to the Ice burg and use the life preserver gun to get the penguins(Hint: Watch the wind speed at the bottom). After all of the penguins are saved, go back to the Sports shop and get the grappling hook and put it in your inventory. Go to the Ski mountain and there is a penguin crying. Get out your spy phone and click the red light. Now click the wrench and click on the telescope. Click on the telescope and go to your left until you see a green puffle flying around. Take the map and go to the Tallest mountain. Look up and use the grappling hook to get up. After that you will see the puffles and go back to Aunt Arctic!
Congratulations! You completed the first mission!


Ranebows said...

hey i just wanted to let u know that there is a new CP blog in town!!! it's

Evilk9187 said...

Ok I am going to have a party on the 26th! Woohoo! Ok It will be at 9.00 a.m. PST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok The party will be at fjord! Every Penguin there should have a party hat on from the party! THe Party will start at the dock then move all around clubpenguin! I will be there at 9.00 a.m or earlier! I might add some of you, or I might not so dont get your hopes up! Ok there might be an after party at someones igloo! So thats it! Please spread the word!

Evilk9187 said...

fill out the form at the top of the site!